Imagine sitting down to work on your business and knowing exactly what you should work on.
Imagine actually finishing projects you start and checking things off your to-do list so you start to see traction in your business.
No longer just dreaming about having a business, but actually doing the tasks needed to make it a reality.
Making all the decisions for your business can get overwhelming.
Are you going in the right direction? Is this what you should be focusing on right now? Is it going to lead to success?
Is this really where God is leading me or is it me wanting these things?
Any of these sound familiar?
If so, then you’re definitely not alone.
I was in your shoes.
Every time I sat down to work on my business, I changed the plans that I set in place from the last work session.
After bouncing from thing to thing, I started to ask why I was doing this. What was behind this constant stress over the direction I should go in my business?
The answer: fear and pride. (ouch!)
Fear that I would choose the wrong path and somehow end up back at my 9-5 and not at home with my son.
Pride that I just needed to figure out the perfect plan and then execute that to guarantee success. And whatever that plan was needed to ensure I didn’t look foolish in the process (hello IG reels or Tiktok…)
But when I set goals like this, I kept finding myself confused and full of doubt constantly second-guessing my decisions.
Because they weren’t rooted in where God was leading me.
I didn’t think to ask Him what I should work on, which direction I should go, etc.
That’s when I started using the methods in this course.
Once I did, I started to have peace about what I was doing and could focus my attention on specific goals that led to things actually getting accomplished.
Who knew amazing things happen when you don’t start 10 different projects only to stop before finishing them.
Step-by-step instructions via video on exactly what you need to do for each step to get crystal clear on your goals
Clarity Workbook
Questions to help you get clarity on what’s working, what’s not and where God is leading you.
Map out your goals with the yearly overview and quarterly planner for your action plan
And the best feature of all? Having peace in knowing that these goals aren’t random and aren’t 100% based on your knowledge (which is great because you can’t know which path is going to lead to success).
AND extra bonus feature: the planners and workbook are all PDFs so you get instant access and can use them again and again as you go through different seasons in your business.
To be able to set your goals, you first have to get your heart in the right place.
Focusing on God and looking at your business from His perspective is really important because God gave you this business for His glory. So first you have to pray and ask Him to guide your planning.
Then over the course of 10+ videos, I walk you through each step of the process for figuring out what’s working, what’s not, where are you feeling led to move next, and then ultimately choosing the specific tasks you will focus on moving forward as they align with your schedule and goals.
A PDF companion workbook for the course to do as prep before you fill out the planner. This is the key step to give you the clarity you’re wanting for your goals so that you’re confident in the goals you write in your planner.
Map out your goals into an actionable plan. Reduce overwhelm by picking a few goals to focus on each quarter. These can be printed again and again so you won’t have to get a new planner each year!
Founder of Mama With A Calling
After leaving my career as a scientist to be home with my son in 2018, I realized that while it was one of the hardest things I'd ever done, it was also one of the best. Along the way, I learned how to figure out what God was really calling me to do, embrace my role as mom, learn all things needed to manage my home and my life while keeping my sanity, and more. But the most important of all was learning how to read God's Word and walk in faith every single day. This journey of motherhood and entrepreneurship has strengthened my faith in ways I would never have imagined. I'm here to help you experience the same as you pursue the calling God has given you as well. Learn more about my story here.
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