finding your calling

Choosing an online side hustle (Find the right type for you)

Wanting to make money online so you can work from home, but aren’t really sure how to choose which business to start? Then you’re in the right place.  I’m not going to give you a giant list of online jobs or different businesses you can start from home. There are plenty of posts out there […] Read more…

Lessons Learned from My (Failed) attempt at an Etsy Business

Have you ever tried a business idea only to have it completely fail? That’s what happened when I tried to start an Etsy business selling handmade jewerly. While in the eyes of many it was a failure, it wasn’t a complete waste of time. God is always teaching us something in everything we do, including […] Read more…

6 Steps to Find the Courage to Chase Your Dreams and Start a Business

You’ve got big dreams but are scared of starting your own business. You’d love to work from home, be with your kids more, and make more money, but the thought of finding the courage to actually quit your job and then try to make money from your own business feels impossible. What if it doesn’t […] Read more…

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Stop letting emotions hold you back.

Learn how to identify what’s keeping you stuck and why you haven’t been able to fully step into your calling.