
How God Can Turn a Hard Season Into A Calling with Lisa Appelo

“What is your calling?” That’s the question we often ask when we find ourselves in a new phase of life or maybe when things just don’t feel like they’re fulfilling. When you think of where God may call you, you are probably imagining this amazing assignment He will give that you will absolutely love because […] Read more…

Biblical Affirmations to Stop Worrying in Your Business

Are you constantly worried as an entrepreneur? Worried about making enough money, finding clients, choosing the right next step for your business, or that it won’t work out in the end? It’s normal to feel all of these thoughts start to creep in at various stages of starting and running an online business. But I’ve […] Read more…

Quick How-To Guide for Adding an Opt-in Form to Your Website with Convertkit

You’re ready to start collecting emails and start growing your email list. You’ve signed up for Convertkit and have created your opt-in (aka freebie or lead magnet), but now you’re wondering how in the world to actually get the form onto your site so your readers can sign-up when they visit your site. In this […] Read more…

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome as You Pursue Your Calling (Ep 6)

Are you feeling that God is calling you to do something big and scary in your life, but you’re resisting it big time? It feels like you’re not the right person for the job or that it’s a crazy idea or that you can’t possibly have the skills needed. All of this self-doubt and impostor […] Read more…

Deciding Which Business to Start – 3 Must-Read Books

So you’ve decided that you’re ready to start looking into how you can make this calling on your heart a reality. You want to start a business and work on your own terms but you find yourself saying  “I want to start a business but what would I even do?”  Knowing that you want to […] Read more…

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