“What is your calling?” That’s the question we often ask when we find ourselves in a new phase of life or maybe when things just don’t feel like they’re fulfilling.
When you think of where God may call you, you are probably imagining this amazing assignment He will give that you will absolutely love because it’s rooted in what you love to do and talk about and it uses all of your giftings.
While this is definitely an option (and the more ideal one if we’re honest), we need to remember that God never promised that we would be ecstatic and ready to go for our calling when He reveals it. In fact, many times in Scripture, the one being called is in utter disbelief or flat our denial (*cough* Moses* cough. I talked all about his imposter syndrome in episode 6 of the Mama With A Calling podcast).
What if God actually calls you to do something that originated in a very hard season of your life?
If we are only looking for our calling in the fun/good parts of our lives, then we may just miss our calling all together. It’s important that we remember God can actually use our hard seasons to work through us to serve others.
In this episode of the Mama With A Calling podcast, I’m talking with author Lisa Appelo about how God called her into business ministry after she walked through one of the hardest seasons of her life.
Interview with Lisa Appelo about finding her calling on the other side of tragedy
Today I’m talking with Lisa Appelo about her tragic story of suddenly becoming a widow with 7 children and how God ended up using this hard season of her life to fuel her calling to help others endure grief and hardships.
In this episode, we talk about her story of loss and moving forward with her life, including the big question of how she was going to provide for her 7 children. We talk about how she realized that God was calling her to use this hard season to help others.
We cover topics like being obedient to God’s call on your life (even when you would’ve picked a different option), the importance of niching down, blogging as a business model, and becoming a published author to reach and serve her audience.
There is so much goodness in this episode!
So I really hope that her story inspires you today either from the perspective of someone going through something really hard and you don’t know how it’ll turn out OR as someone wondering where God is calling you as you see how God used a tragedy in Lisa’s life to actually be her calling in business and ministry.
Listen to Episode 55 of the Mama With A Calling podcast on Apple podcasts, your favorite podcast player, or click below to listen now.
More About Lisa Appelo
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After going to sleep a happily married woman and waking up a bereaved widow and single mother seven, Lisa provides biblical encouragement for all who grieve—whether over the loss of a loved one, a job, a dream, financial stability, etc. She now manages a community of writers and those moms who, like her, are widowed. And her calling is to encourage them. Lisa likes to say that the next phase of your life after unexpected loss is not God’s Plan B for your life, but the opening to Chapter Two.
As a member of Widow Mama Collective, a Facebook community for young
widows, she helps women find hope in the hard places of loss. A popular
blogger, Lisa loves seeing women flourish in the strength of God’s promises. Learn more at https://lisaappelo.com. You’ll also find more information about her latest book (affiliate link) Life Can Be Good Again: Putting Your World Back Together After It All Falls Apart
Connect with Lisa on Instagram @lisaappelo
More resources to help you confidently pursue your calling:
>> Clarity Coaching: To confidently say “yes!” to what God is calling you to do, you need to know what it is He’s calling you to. If you’re stuck and can’t seem to move forward with starting your business or actually quitting your job, then you need clarity about your calling so you can move forward with confidence. Book a call today at http://www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching
>> Community: Join me in the Mama With A Calling Facebook group and other like-minded faith-fueled women all pursuing their calling of having purposeful and profitable online businesses. Monthly challenges, coaching and more.