
Tips to Stop the Overwhelm of Business Goal Planning as a Christian Entrepreneur

It’s that amazing week between Christmas and New Year’s where it feels like time slows down.  The kids are enjoying their new gifts and there’s just more down time in general. This is the perfect time to look ahead to next year and decide where you want to focus your efforts by doing a personal […] Read more…

Mom loving on child while working from home at laptop

Finding Peace in the Season God Has You in with Sandy Cooper

Being a mother is amazing. But if we’re being honest, it can also be really hard. Of course, it’s not a secret that motherhood is full of many frustrations, but there are also many joys. Beyond the typical frustrations that come with being a mom, there are also others that come when you realize you […] Read more…

The Journey of following Her Calling To Be An Artist with Amy Kavelaris

Are you an artist by heart but doubt if you could ever really make a career out of it? Maybe you’re creative and would love to get paid to create, but it doesn’t feel like it’s important enough compared to other career options. If that’s you, then you’ll want to listen to the story of […] Read more…

Leaving Her Career to Start A Full-Time Ministry w/ Martha Brangenberg from sheWorks4Him

Ever wondered if you should start a ministry and leave your career to run it full-time? Maybe you’re at a point in life where changing careers feels crazy at this stage, but you also want to follow God. How do you know if He’s really calling you to do this or if it’s just a […] Read more…

How to create your own version of balance as an entrepreneur mom

You know you’ve been called to be a mom but you’re also feeling called to be an entrepreneur. These are both really big jobs and you want to do well at both of them. But how do you create a version of balance as an entrepreneur mom giving attention to both motherhood and business? How […] Read more…

woman holding balloons in sunrise on beach

This could be holding you back from following God in your business

Wanting to do what God is asking you to with your business, but feeling stuck? Maybe you know you should quit your job to be home with your kids and work on your business but you’re too scared. Or maybe you’re avoiding the next big thing in your business that God is calling you to […] Read more…

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