hearing God

woman holding balloons in sunrise on beach

This could be holding you back from following God in your business

Wanting to do what God is asking you to with your business, but feeling stuck? Maybe you know you should quit your job to be home with your kids and work on your business but you’re too scared. Or maybe you’re avoiding the next big thing in your business that God is calling you to […] Read more…

5 Mindset Shifts to Accomplish the Goals God has for you in your Business

Are you finding yourself struggling to make decisions in your business? You have a ton of ideas and a giant to do list, but you often feel paralyzed with the choice of what to work on next. You know that God has called you to start this business. Even though you really want the business […] Read more…

5 Simple Steps to Discerning if God is Asking You To Pivot In Your Business

Is God asking you to pivot or is it a temptation or distraction? This is something you might ask yourself if you’re an entrepreneur and suddenly a big opportunity comes out of nowhere. It could be a job with a great salary, the chance to do a freelance gig, or even a new business idea […] Read more…

Recognizing when God is calling you and how to say yes

Sometimes we find ourselves in a spot that feels uncomfortable. Maybe you’ve lost a job or you’re really starting to question if you love the career you’ve chosen. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, then you know that a lot of thoughts start swirling around in your mind. Some of those thoughts might be […] Read more…

Called To Blog but Not Taking Action (Ultimate Motivation to Do It Anyway)

Do you struggle with getting your content out there in the world? You’re motivated and excited about your ideas for your business but when it comes to taking action, things just aren’t happening.  You want to make an impact on people’s lives. You’ve got a message that you truly feel that God has put on […] Read more…

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