choosing an online business

5 Simple Steps to Discerning if God is Asking You To Pivot In Your Business

Is God asking you to pivot or is it a temptation or distraction? This is something you might ask yourself if you’re an entrepreneur and suddenly a big opportunity comes out of nowhere. It could be a job with a great salary, the chance to do a freelance gig, or even a new business idea […] Read more…

What it means to be a reseller on ebay

When I first started looking into different ways I could make money online, selling things on ebay wasn’t even in my radar. It wasn’t until I saw a course on Udemy about this concept of reselling on ebay. Until that moment, I thought that people only bought collectibles like video games or rare antiques on there, but it turns out that people buy clothes, shoes, toys and more! And if people are buying them that means people can sell them.  Read more…

Deciding Which Business to Start – 3 Must-Read Books

So you’ve decided that you’re ready to start looking into how you can make this calling on your heart a reality. You want to start a business and work on your own terms but you find yourself saying  “I want to start a business but what would I even do?”  Knowing that you want to […] Read more…

How I Started a VA Business in 2020 (and made $500 in my first month)

One of the things that’s probably keeping you from actually working from home is not knowing how to make money online and not knowing how to figure out what you’re called to do . I’m always trying new things and when I learn something new, I want to share that with you to help you […] Read more…

3 Online Businesses for Stay-at-home Moms That Are Profitable Quickly

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we need to start making our own money fast. Maybe you have an unexpected bill or suddenly lose your job like so many have with this coronavirus pandemic. Or maybe, like me, you realize you don’t want to continue working at 9-5 anymore and want to be […] Read more…

4 Steps to Start an Online Business and Regain Control of Your Income

So many of us think of our paycheck from our 9-5 job as being “secure”. That’s a big reason we don’t want to actually take that leap of faith and start our online business. We love that secure paycheck coming in each pay period.  But is it really as secure as we think it is?  […] Read more…

Choosing an online side hustle (Find the right type for you)

Wanting to make money online so you can work from home, but aren’t really sure how to choose which business to start? Then you’re in the right place.  I’m not going to give you a giant list of online jobs or different businesses you can start from home. There are plenty of posts out there […] Read more…

Lessons Learned from My (Failed) attempt at an Etsy Business

Have you ever tried a business idea only to have it completely fail? That’s what happened when I tried to start an Etsy business selling handmade jewerly. While in the eyes of many it was a failure, it wasn’t a complete waste of time. God is always teaching us something in everything we do, including […] Read more…

Before Selling On Amazon FBA: Pros and Cons to Consider

Starting an Amazon FBA business seems like a great idea. Based on the results you see in YouTube ads and from people on Instagram, Amazon FBA is an easy way to make money from home and fast. But before you sell on Amazon, there are a variety of pros and cons to consider that can […] Read more…

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