Motherhood and Life

Mom loving on child while working from home at laptop

Finding Peace in the Season God Has You in with Sandy Cooper

Being a mother is amazing. But if we’re being honest, it can also be really hard. Of course, it’s not a secret that motherhood is full of many frustrations, but there are also many joys. Beyond the typical frustrations that come with being a mom, there are also others that come when you realize you […] Read more…

15 Gift Ideas for Christian Female Entrepreneurs – Perfect for Mother’s Day

Looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift that will strengthen her faith as she pursues her dreams? Or maybe you want to pass these gift ideas along to your family for yourself so they can be sure to get you a gift that you’ll love and one that will be sure to speak volumes about […] Read more…

How to create your own version of balance as an entrepreneur mom

You know you’ve been called to be a mom but you’re also feeling called to be an entrepreneur. These are both really big jobs and you want to do well at both of them. But how do you create a version of balance as an entrepreneur mom giving attention to both motherhood and business? How […] Read more…

Encouragement for Deciding to Quit Your Job and Be Home With Your Kids

You want to quit your job to be home with your kids, but at the same time, it’s a huge decision. Can I really make enough money? Is it crazy to leave my career to do this? What will people think of me when I went through all of this schooling only to quit and […] Read more…

8 Key Steps To Reducing Stress and Overwhelm as a Mom Entrepreneur

Let’s talk about stress and overwhelm and how we can (and should) stop wearing busyness as a badge of honor. Going from a working a 9-5 to working for yourself with an online business can be challenging. Whether coming from being a working mom or a stay at home mom, the same still holds true: […] Read more…

Living life as an entrepreneur (Even as a busy mom)

You know you’ve been called to be an entrepreneur, and you even know what you’ve been called to do. But fully stepping into that calling and becoming an entrepreneur when life already feels busy? That’s a different story. As a Christian, you know that God has called you to something bigger and you’re here for […] Read more…

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