Setting Goals and A Plan

Tips to Stop the Overwhelm of Business Goal Planning as a Christian Entrepreneur

It’s that amazing week between Christmas and New Year’s where it feels like time slows down.  The kids are enjoying their new gifts and there’s just more down time in general. This is the perfect time to look ahead to next year and decide where you want to focus your efforts by doing a personal […] Read more…

How to create your own version of balance as an entrepreneur mom

You know you’ve been called to be a mom but you’re also feeling called to be an entrepreneur. These are both really big jobs and you want to do well at both of them. But how do you create a version of balance as an entrepreneur mom giving attention to both motherhood and business? How […] Read more…

Encouragement for Deciding to Quit Your Job and Be Home With Your Kids

You want to quit your job to be home with your kids, but at the same time, it’s a huge decision. Can I really make enough money? Is it crazy to leave my career to do this? What will people think of me when I went through all of this schooling only to quit and […] Read more…

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