Tips to Stop the Overwhelm of Business Goal Planning as a Christian Entrepreneur
It’s that amazing week between Christmas and New Year’s where it feels like time slows down. The kids are enjoying their new gifts and there’s just more down time in general. This is the perfect time to look ahead to next year and decide where you want to focus your efforts by doing a personal…
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3 Biblical mindset shifts to get unstuck in your business
Do you want clarity about what to do next in your business? Or how to handle a tough situation? Or just want to simply know you’re on the right path; that you know exactly where God is leading you? But it feels like you don’t have clarity. You don’t really know which way to go.…
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<strong>How God Can Turn a Hard Season Into A Calling with Lisa Appelo</strong>
“What is your calling?” That’s the question we often ask when we find ourselves in a new phase of life or maybe when things just don’t feel like they’re fulfilling. When you think of where God may call you, you are probably imagining this amazing assignment He will give that you will absolutely love because…
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Recognizing Your Gifts for Your Calling
What is God’s plan for me? What are the gifts He’s given me and how am I supposed to use them in my business and my calling? Sound familiar? These are questions we all ask (or should be) when we are trying to decide what to do with our lives. These are really important questions…
Finding Peace in the Season God Has You in with Sandy Cooper
Being a mother is amazing. But if we’re being honest, it can also be really hard. Of course, it’s not a secret that motherhood is full of many frustrations, but there are also many joys. Beyond the typical frustrations that come with being a mom, there are also others that come when you realize you…
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The Journey of following Her Calling To Be An Artist with Amy Kavelaris
Are you an artist by heart but doubt if you could ever really make a career out of it? Maybe you’re creative and would love to get paid to create, but it doesn’t feel like it’s important enough compared to other career options. If that’s you, then you’ll want to listen to the story of…
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